Friday 18 November 2011

Proposing Wedding Toasts - 10 Special Tips
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Wedding toasts truly perform a very essential role in the wedding celebrations. They serve as a link amidst the formal wedding ceremony & a less formal atmosphere at the reception.

The wedding toasts allow the family members, relatives & all the close friends to talk their hearts out & with the beloved couple.

Initially this culture was started with the belief that making some loud noise like ringing a bell, clinking the glass, etc. casts away all the evil spirits.

The wedding toasts can also follow the traditional order & the non-traditional order as well.

The Traditional Order for Toast

1. In a traditional order of the wedding toast, the first & foremost toast is raised for the bride or for the beloved couple.

2. It is done by either of these that are - the best man, some close relative or a close friend.

3. Next, the groom responds in the honor of the bride with a message from the heart.

4. This message also goes in the honor of the person raising the toast, their parents and the brides' maids.

5. Further, the best man then thanks the groom on the behalf of all the brides' maids.

6. Some times the bride also speaks a few words right after the groom, as she tanks the best man and the brides' maids.

7. Next some close friends or the relatives may follow with the next toast.

8. Now the bride's father tanks all guests on the behalf of the bride's mother & himself, as they announce the beginning of the celebration.

The Non-Traditional Order for Toast

1. This surely has different order as compared to the traditional.

2. Here, the order can be modified as per the choice of the couple, the guests & the occasion.

3. In this case the emcee proposes the very first toast in the honor of the couple.

4. Then the groom thanks the one who raised the toast that is the emcee, the guests and then raises a special toast for his bride.

5. Next, the bride expresses gratitude for the groom, the guests & proposes a special toast for her parents & the in-laws.

6. Sometimes a special toast can be raised for the in-laws.

7. Next the bride's father thanks the bride for her toast. They thank all the guests, and announce the beginning of the celebrations.

8. Some times, the emcee also proposes a toast for the brides' maids.

9. Soon after this the maid of honor responds as she thanks for the toast & proposes another toast.

10. Some times the emcee takes pleasure in introducing the guests who propose the toasts, and then they announce the celebrations beginning.

Now, here are some special tips that can be used while proposing the toast:

1. First & foremost serve the beverage to the bride, followed by her groom, then the maid of honor, couple's parents & next, the best man.

2. A toast can be served as a sip of champagne or wine. For the non-alcoholics the options are any beverages except tea, coffee & water.

3. If you will propose the first toast, make sure that not only your glass, but also all the other glasses are filled before you start speaking.

4. While proposing a toast, one should raise the glass in the right hand.

5. The glass must be held straight in line with the shoulder.

6. Try composing some words to speak on the wedding toast. In case, you can not write some good piece, try reading out some traditional wedding toast, though you must personalize it with some true feelings from the heart. You can talk about the couple here.

7. At the end of the toast, remember to invite all the guests to join the celebrations.

8. Also you must thank them for coming to the wedding & give them some heartfelt response.

9. In case a toast is raised for you, that is, you have received a toast you must not raise the glass. You also must not stand or sip from your drink.

10. While receiving the toast, you just thank the ones who have raised the toast for you. Though it is not much required, you might like to propose another toast.